Thursday, August 16, 2007

Random Things about me...

Ok, so my other blog is on MySpace. I was picked in a game of tag to come up with ten totally random things about me, so here they are:

1) I bump into things. Like, all the time. I am constantly bruised at the hips. Someone once told me there's a theory that people who bump into things are actually trying to affirm their reality and the reality of things around them. Ok. Sounds better than "I'm a clumsy dumbshit".

2) I love birds. The giant blue spruce in my backyard is nesting ground for a few pair of birds each year. Two weeks ago I watched a young robin get kicked out by his parents, and I've sat in my yard watching him learn how to fend for himself ever since. Now he's trying to learn his big boy song, and it cracks me up. He sounds like a teenager whose voice is changing.

3) I hate feet. Don't touch them, don't let anyone touch mine. I've never gotten a professional pedicure, that creeps me out. The only exception was when my daughter was an infant and I loved kissing her chubby little feet. Now they creep me out too.

4) I like the smell of dog breath.

5) The ocean is the most calming, life-affirming sound and sight ever. In my next life, I will live by the sea instead of a fucking desert with a pretend sea.

6) I hate shopping malls. Bad vibes. I will chew off my own arm to avoid going to the mall.

7) Metallica and other like-sounding heavy metal actually makes me throw up a little in my mouth when I hear it. My hubby loves Metallica and is teaching our daughter how to head bang and air guitar, which is quite alarming for me.

8) Even though I claim to be a Bitch, I am actually an annoying people-pleaser in most situations. I hate it and am doing my very very best to conquer it and be the Bitch Within when needed.

9) I am 1/4 through writing a book, which I seriously doubt I will ever have the guts to try to get published, even though I like it and others who have read it so far like it. I fear rejection above all things.

10) This is harder than I thought! I love to talk about myself, that's why I'm on MySpace. Now I find that there are all these other fascinating people. And I can't think of one more random thing to tell you. So there.


Sylow_P said...

Okay, I really need to understand this dog breath thing. I'll explain the whisky/whiskey question, but I need to know what evil childhood experience makes you think dog breath is pleasant...