Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rambling RandomNess

So, I've been a very good girl and have written in that book-thing every day for the past 2 weeks. At this rate, I might get it done before the 2010 deadline! With all that hard work, I figured I was due for a reward. So I'm blogging instead of noveling. Yay!

Uh, let's see....funny and interesting blog that.....crap. I'm out. Random b.s. it is.

Memorial Day. Gotta love the three day weekends. Well, if one has a real job I imagine it's nice, getting that extra day off. Funny thing; domestic goddesses don't get days off, much. We're pretty much here all the time, every day, on and on amen. There's always something to do, something to clean, someone's something to wipe. Even when my sweet hubby lets me sleep in on his day off, I still have to get up sometime. Even when my wondrous mum takes the girl over night, there's that obnoxious little buzz in the back of my brain that is ever tuned to the "what is the child doing now?" channel.

And speaking of baloney-filled holidays, I wonder when it was exactly that days like Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and Labour Day went from being an opportunity for us as a society to take a break to remember all the people who have carried our glorious American freedoms on their back to being a day when we flaunt those glorious freedoms in almost obscene ways? Mega-sales, barbecues, pool openings, camping, yardwork; is that what it's really supposed to be about? Not that I"m complaining, really; when else can one get a mattress for the low low price of $150 and a free hot dog at the door? Politically-Correct Non-specific Deity Bless America!

So, I think I should be able to take a turn at running the world. I'm not happy with the way it's going now. Here are my first official changes in How Things Should Be:

1) It should be illegal to shut a bathroom door if no one is in there. Unless a person in doing something personal and/or embarassing, that door should be wide open to assure anyone who might need to use it that it is, indeed, vacant. No more standing meekly outside, rapping quietly on the jam, muttering "is anyone in there? Excuse me?" and then opening the door when there's no answer, only to find: Hello! Someone else in a compromising position that will be burned into one's retinas for all eternity. Nup. All bathroom doors, public and private, must remain gapingly ajar and there must be a functioning lock that must, by law, be engaged if you're a poopin'.

B: There should be two lines at the grocery store: Dumbasses and People Who Know What the Hell They're Doing.

III. I know I'm not the first person to come up with this concept, but: There should be a test and licensing procedure for anyone who even thinks about having children. It's too easy to become the person in charge of another small person and totally screw it up. You need a license to have a dog, a car, catch a fish or to be able to shoot someone. Why not a child? Or four? And don't give me that crap about freedom of genetics; there are some things that simply should be skimmed out of the gene pool.

Anyone else want to take a stab at this "being in charge" stuff? I'm tired.